In-home speech therapy in Aurora

Thornhill - Richmond Hill -Aurora - Newmarket - Bradford

Cute Baby Alert! A Real Life Example of Using Language Strategies with Babies

In my previous blog post, I was talking about ways to encourage language development in babies well before they learn to talk. Well here is proof it works!

The other day I caught a magical moment on camera where my daughter began taking her turn in her favourite song “If You’re Happy and you know it”

Watch this quick video of my 9 month old participating in her favourite song. She is using eye contact and gestures to take her turn in the song. She is also waving her arms and vocalizing, communicating to me she wants me to continue. Most importantly, I am stopping a familiar song and WAITING to give her the time she needs to take her turn.

Waiting is such a powerful tool!

My “Early Communication” workshops cover a variety of topics related to how parents and caregivers can encourage communication and language development in babies well before they begin to talk. Get in touch if you are interested in learning more!

** Disclaimer – Please excuse my singing voice!


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